Short Story: The Drink Tank

I have a new short story published at Mobius Magazine, which is about young people in think tanks (because, I know right?).

One morning I was catching up on my email newsletters from all the blogs and magazines that hire 23-year olds for unpaid internships that maKe them wake up at 5 am to read the day’s news and summarize titles into Constant Contact on the off chance that someone else might read it, and it will drive a fraction of a percent more readership to their websites. Sometimes it had genuinely useful tidbits, and it sure as hell saved me time from reading it all myself.

But something was wrong: nothing was happening. There was the usual maritime nonsense in the South China Sea, Russia was saying nasty things about Ukraine again, Afghanistan was a mess, Syria was a mess, Iraq was a mess, Mali was a mess, Libya was a mess, Yemen was a mess, Chad was a mess, CAR was a mess, Pakistan was a mess… even when completely split apart at the seams, like a baseball stitched in blood, the world had a depressing regularity to it. Regularity did not generate news. And no news meant no media hits for me.

Anyway, go check it out!

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