
I have over a decade of experience working with a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to government organizations to nonprofits, to build their voice, develop enthusiastic communities of interest, engage with their stakeholders, and refine their public image and content strategies.

No organization is exactly like another. When you work with me, we’ll determine the appropriate mixture of processes and outcomes that you need to meet your goals.

How I Can Help

I help organizations engage their publics, using rigorous, proven methodologies. The nature of this engagement can take different forms, from designing a multi-year strategy for growth to amping up an email marketing campaign, from developing “voice” on social media to creating a comprehensive messaging framework for you to get your message out.

Audits and Analysis

Do you fully understand who your audience is? This is not a simple answer – the primary stakeholders you might think care the most about your messages might not be the most affected. Understanding who is engaged with your organization, and what behaviors you want them to take as a result of your communications, is at the heart of my work. I help organizations know who they are speaking to, who they are persuading, and how to align the two to generate specific, measurable effects. Here are some of my methods:

  • Surveys and interviews to learn about audiences
  • Competitive analysis to show how you measure up against your competitors and peers
  • Content audits to see how content is mapping to mission
  • Analytics and reporting to help you understand the forest, the trees, and how to take the next steps
  • Strategy Development

    Everyone has a plan, but few have a strategy. And in the rush to make organizational plans, the necessity to effectively communicate those plans to your stakeholders can often fall by the wayside. Effective communications strategy is not just specific and measurable, it is also flexible and adaptive. I help organizations make long-term strategies that keep their costs low and create long-term growth. Some of my processes include:

  • Community engagement to learn what people find valuable about your organization
  • Stakeholder and audience mapping to understand exactly who needs to hear your messages and how to reach them
  • Messaging guidelines to match your daily activity with your long-term goals
  • Email marketing strategies and implementation to grow your audience and drive engagement
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Media Relations

    Non-profits need to manage their relationship with their donors. Businesses have relationships with customers and suppliers. Everyone needs to manage their relationship with the public – and with the media that cover them. I know how to build and manage those relationships to keep your organization’s relationship glowing and growing.

  • Community-building to grow your list of engaged audiences
  • Donor relations for sustaining finances and fundraising
  • Grant-seeking and red-teaming proposal submissions
  • Developing media strategies and outreach
  • Social media engagement and strategy
  • Campaign design and implementation
  • If you’d like to discuss how I can help you please be in touch!