In addition to several years of archives of my writing for PBS Need to Know, The Atlantic, Medium, the Columbia Journalism Review, and some other places like the New York Times, CNN, Salon, and elsewhere, I have occasionally written long-form essays. These will be linked below as rights become available.
- January 22, 2021 Social Media Finally Broke the Public Sphere
- August 3, 2017 Trump’s trans ban tries to force LGBT people back in the closet
- February 28, 2017 Americans don’t know their neighbors — and that’s bad for democracy
- September 29, 2016 The Clear and Present Danger of Russian Info Ops
- February 5, 2016 Mockery and Malarkey in the IC
- September 30, 2015 What It’s Like to Be Gay in the Ultra-Masculine NatSec Community
- September 23, 2015 Why the Mightiest Superpower on Earth Hasn’t Won a War in Decades
- January 28, 2015 Euphorias of SIGINT: Edward Snowden and the Passion of Glenn Greenwald
- November 5, 2013 The Most Bizarre Jihadist Trial You’ve Never Heard Of
- October 14, 2013 The Science Fiction of Dronephobia
- September 30, 2013 Fort Meade, We Have a Problem …
- July 27, 2013 The Defection of Edward Snowden
- July 5, 2013 The Geek Awakening
- February 5, 2013 A Counterterrorism Perspective on the Targeted Killing 'White 'Paper'
- October 1, 2012 Security and Human Rights in Central Asia
- August 16, 2012 The Strategic Context of Lethal Drones: A Framework for Discussion
- May 6, 2012 Measuring Success: Are We Winning? Over 10 Years in Afghanistan
- May 8, 2011 France in Kapisa: a Combined Approach to Statebuilding
- September 10, 2010 Post-Soviet Central Asian National Interests in Afghanistan
- March 31, 2009 Kapisa Province: A COIN Case Study in Afghanistan